Special Issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law re Guilty Pleas
Psychology, Public Policy and Law has recently released a special issue on guilty pleas. The collection of articles, edited by Miko Wilford and Allison Redlich , is an excellent read and examines plea bargaining from various perspectives. My latest article entitled Freedom Now or a Future Later: Pitting the Lasting Implications of Collateral Consequences Against Pretrial Detention in Decisions to Plead Guilty is contained in the special issue. This piece considers the impact of innocence, collateral consequences, and pretrial detention on plea decisions. Full results from the study are contained in the article, but I'll note here one particularly troubling finding: the rate of innocent individuals who plead guilty tripled in our pretrial detention scenarios . Below are abstracts and links to each article in the collection. Special Issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law : Guilty Pleas Edited by Miko M. Wilford and Allison D. Redli...